A brief summary

Me in 10 seconds professionally
A sales and marketing executive with close to 20 years experience across a range of big and small companies. See full profile here

Me in 10 seconds personally
Dad to Chloe, Emily and Henry, husband to Nat, lover of travel and the outdoors. A glass half full kind of person. Fan of dad jokes.

My favourite book
Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett

My favourite movie
Waking Ned Devine

My favourite destination

My bucket list destination

My hidden talent
Juggling and violin

Pineapple on pizza?


Now read this

40 Goals

In my twenties I set myself a task to complete 183 tasks by the time I was 30. I achieved around 130 of them, even managed to get national TV coverage for one of them, but it was frankly a little too long a list and took over my life to... Continue →